Tuesday, September 16, 2008

He's always been faithful to me...

Music with beautiful words always has the ability to stir up emotion and passion in me. On Sunday we sang the song "He's always been faithful". Even now as I sit here typing, singing the song in my head it brings tears to my eyes. I look at my life and see God's grace everywhere. Though I make foolish decisions, though I am selfish, when I had no understanding of God's character and therefore no understanding of what pleased God; He pursues me. He has protected me, guided me, and loved me with an everlasting love. Daily I forget the God I serve. I make Him into a pebble when He is the Rock. So easy is it to rely on self, and forget what God has done and continues to do in our lives.

God, I cry out to you! I praise You and all Your beauty. I weep with regret for what I have not done well, and weep for joy in the blood that has covered it. I praise you for Your goodness. You are truly good in all ways. You are my one true desire! My only survival.

though i feel in want, i need not
though i strive for happiness, i have joy
though i long for comfort, i have peace
i have all in You
i desire what only You can give

i have searched for love, and found pain
i have tried to succeed, but lacked gain
my best is worth rags
a sentence to death, yet i have life
i have all in You

my search for the temporal, for the perfect fruit
how my heart so easily fixes on one
but You have provided many
You provide the garden, despite my futile efforts
and i realize again
i have all in You

Lord bind me to thee
let Your proven love resonate in my mind and my heart
may it compel me to trust You more tomorrow
than i have today
may my heart's song always be
i have all in You


Gabriel said...

Another song we sang on Sunday as well, Rock of Ages.

He is the foundation, we can (because of what Jesus has done) now build our whole life upon this Rock.

Thanks for the reminders.

And in our brokenness, never forget the Rock, He is so solid and so stable. So much so that nothing we do, OR nothing that happens to us, will ever wear that Rock out.

Katelyn said...

Just wanted to say hey. I love that song too.
Katelyn Snell

M said...

yeah, i really really love that song... i didn't really like it the first time i heard it on the cd but i love it now that we've sung it a few times. and i love you too!